Help elephants

Elefantin Mae Mang aus Hong Sa, Laos, PortraitraitYou can buy some of my drawings. Some of the drawings and aquarelles can be purchased as an original copy, drawings from my sketchbook are available as print editions.

I will donate 15% of the buying price to non-profit organisations that are dedicated to the protection of elephants. By selling a picture of an Asian elephant the donation will go to an organisation that protects Asian elephants, by selling a picture of an African elephant, the donation will be provided to an organisation taking care of African elephants. If the elephants portrayed are part of a foundation or a project, the donation will generally be forwarded to these projects. Under the menu “Links” you will find the respective organisations.

Right now, the Asian elephants are overrepresented on my homepage.
If you want to purchase a drawing please contact me at Please state the title and the number of the drawing. You will then receive an invoice from me, which I kindly ask you to wire previously. The invoice will quote the price of the drawing, the amount of your donation and the respective delivery costs, if necessary the VAT. As soon as I will have received the payment, I will donate the amount in your name an you will receive your picture along with the receipt of the donation. Ordered pictures cannot be sent without receipt of payment. Donations going abroad will be wired to a separate donation account at first and then wired in one large amount. We proceed as stated due to high fees for foreign bank transfers.

Sale will presumably start in July 2016.